Last weekend we went for our first overnight camping trip. We didn't go far. Just a local forest preserve about 5 miles away. We figured, that way if things weren't going well, we could pack it up pretty easily. To the left is Sarah, who is taking better pictures now that she can say the word, "cheese".

Here is Perrin peaking out of the tent's vent. Peak a boo is still a ton of fun with these guys.
The kids had such a great time, and were real good campers. Evidently, no one knows you can camp at this forest preserve because we had the entire place to ourselves. So, we let the dog roam free, and the kids really enjoyed themselves. They liked eating their little half sized s'mores. They loved running around with the balls we brought. We sang little bunny foo foo and their favorite songs around the campfire, which I was please to see they respected by saying, "Hot." every time they came near it.

We kind of did this by the seat of our pants, and so packed for the warm 90+ degree weather the next day... not being prepared for the 60 something degree weather in the morning. So, the kids just wore their footy pajamas with tennis shoes over them.
They ended up looking so cute going on their first hike in their PJs.
They came to a bridge, and loved the sound it made by stomping on it.
Here's a hollowed out tree that was very interesting and scary. It took a lot of attempts to just get them to put their hand near it but once m

astered, you can see Perrin had no fear.