As you can see, he is feeling fine and in good spirits. You can also see the very very early stages of actual communication developing with him. Both he and Ryan are very good at using the word "NO" when you ask them questions. At this point it hasn't gotten to be the aggravating bratty version that you see in many toddlers, and hopefully it doesn't get that far. Luckily all three of the kids are working real hard on developing a larger vocabulary and Meva and I are encouraging them to use many words by asking them the appropriate questions.
As of right now, I feel safe in saying that each on of the kids can consistently identify all the letters of the alphabet, basic shapes, basic colors, and the sounds of each letter. I think I spend half of my day affirming them as they bring different objects to me and tell me what it is, what color it is, or what shape it is; it's actually all very cool. But what I think is probably the coolest thing that they are doing now is trying to say the ABC's in order with me. They are no where close, but I think I am getting about 20% accuracy overall as I lead them and try and get them to either say the letter along with me, or immediately follow my letter with the correct letter (an often it's sound). The fact that they all really enjoy this and get excited about it is just icing on the cake.
Back to Perrin, he had his follow-up appointment with his neurosurgeon yesterday and he was given a very good bill of health. He should be able to resume his physical therapy within two weeks and get back to full normal activities, which means taking a regular bath and going swimming (which the boy absolutely loves!!) For now, that's all we have to say. I am way behind on photo's of the kids, so I am just going to put a bunch on here for everyone.

Yummmy, Bananas!!

Ryan is so funny he even has a Jester's Hat

Sarah with pigtails running from bedtime!

The triplets at a water exhibit at the local Children's Museum

Sometimes you just don't want to wear pants, no matter how embarrassing it's going to be when your Dad show's this to your friends and prom date!
We'll post more as we have time, but if you want to see bigger images, just click on the pictures.