Since my last post, the story has spread about receiving complaints about Grandpa Fred. I understand he took it well, but it seems that others close to him didn't----- they seemed to have found it very funny!! Well a funny addendum to this story is that my same nephew Joey is pretty handy with the computer and when my sister lets him see the page, he knows how to scroll with the mouse all on his own!! Guess what he scrolled down to and immediately got upset about again?? This time his comment was "I HATE dat man. Why won't he go away??" Man, that kid is priceless.

Here's a couple of more photo's of what we've done. The one above is Sarah. This is a bit of a prequel to what many of you should have already seen in the Christmas photo's we sent out. She's actually sitting in a lamp shade. It's a really cute picture and she's being a great sport at the moment, which she so often is. The picture to the right is one of the many that we tried to taking of the kids for the actual Christmas card. They were difficult and just weren't in the mood to sit still for the picture. It's a shame to because Ryan hardly EVER smiles that nicely for the camera. He's more the type of guy to give you a sly grin, so that makes this shot more special to me. Too bad Sarah became fascinated with her feet at this time.

Yesterday I put up a picture of Ryan in a pie costume, well this is Perrin's costume. It totally matches his personality because he is a little turkey in so many ways. This photo doesn't do the costume justice, but it's the best one we could get of him at this time. Perrin has become very squirmy of late and he wouldn't sit still.
Speaking of Perrin, we've really been blessed with him. After all the difficulties he has gone through he is progressing at an incredible rate in our opinion. All premies tend to be behind the learning curve of their actual age because they never got their full "developmental time" in the womb. Even though the kids are almost six months old, when you look at their development they are really just four months old.

As a result of this, all of the kids have been paid extra attention to from the medical community due to their preemie status. Instead of well baby visits every few months, our babies are seen monthly by their pediatrician, every few months from the neonatologist, and Perrin will be seeing the neurologist every 6 months, the urologist yearly, and he had been seeing a speech therapist every two weeks. Every check up that the kids get they are given glowing marks, Perrin has even been discharged from his speech therapy! In fact, they are all mostly behaving like six month olds!! This last picture on the right is a good example of what Perrin has been doing---he's leading the pack. Today while I was at work her started a new trick with Meva; that trick is called "You can't change my diaper if I roll all over the floor!" He definitely made her life difficult during this phase as he would flip around back and forth and get into that position you see in the picture. He's obviously ready to go somewhere, we just don't know where that is. It will be interesting to see how much longer it takes for him to actually start crawling!
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