It's been some time since we had the chance to update things. The babies' cousin David had stayed with us through the beginning of the month, and we were sad to see him go.

Perrin is about ready to crawl. He is poised to do so and will rock back and forth. I think once he figures it out he will be off like a lightening bolt. The other day, we were getting ready to go to the doctors and I walked out of the room to get the diaper bag. Chuck walks in the room and can't find Perrin. He'd rolled and rolled and rolled all the way to the front door. I guess he was just ready to go.

As I was downloading some recent videos of the babies today and played them on the computer, they totally captured Perrin's attention. He was mesmerized with this baby that looked and sounded just like him. He is a bright, strong, physically capable baby, it's so cool to see after all he's been through.

The babies are all attempting to work their podees which is hilarious. They pull it out of their mouths and try to stick it back in. Perrin seems to be the best at this so far, also he has had the most practice. But, in their attempts to fix the bottle's position, they continually bonk themselves in their head. Sometimes they get the nipple turned the wrong way and try to suck on the back of the nipplepiece. If they aren't too hungry they have lots of patience for this, and if not they let you know.
In terms of big stuff going on in our lives, we have figured out that due to the debt we are in, largely in part of this addition gone wrong, and because we are now mostly a one income family, we can no longer afford to live here... so we have begun the hunt for a more modest home, ideally closer to my work. I am currently driving 45 minutes one way. It's quite something to get the house ready, look for a new place, watch three kids, work a regular job plus an extra job of medical transcriptionisting and Chuck working on the weekends. Sometimes I feel like yelling to Chuck, "Jane, stop this crazy thing." (in reference to the Jetsons where George gets stuck on the treadmill). I'm hoping that cutting back and living a little more simply will allow us to live just that, a simpler life.
I'm leaving you with a couple of fun videos, and once again the transfer to youtube has left the appearance of a poorly dubbed martial arts film, but you get the point....
Dolphin Girl.
Typical View from the Rocking Chair.
Scary Wind.
Perrin's Whoop.
'Mater and Chewy.