This is just a quick post to show off a few changes that I made to the blog which aren't immediately noticeable. I updated the nicknames of the babies to reflect what we are currently calling each of them. The only name that really seems to stick with Sarah at this moment is
Baby Girl. It's not a conscious effort on our part, but it's the one that does seem to be sticking and she responds well to it.
If you haven't talked to us about it or seen us interact with the kids, Perrin has completely become
Fudd! I came up with that name because he looks like Elmer Fudd. All he needs is a toy gun and giant brown hunters hat and he'd be a spitting image of him.

Ryan is really still
The Beast. He is always making grunts, growls, and snarls to express himself. It's really adorable and lately he has taken on the new sound effects of Chewbacca from Star Wars. He gives out these little yawps straight from his throat. Considering how large, hairy, and stubborn he is it's really funny. From time to time we also just refer to him as Ry-Ry.
The last change I made concerns all of the videos Meva has been posting on YouTube. These little videos have been very popular with many people and I've heard people like to go back and watch them from time to time. So to that end I have provided a direct link to Meva's account on YouTube for you to check out at anytime you'd like. This link should appear at the beginning of every post if I've done this correctly. Although we will still be providing direct links to new videos when they've been posted, you now have the option of always accessing all the videos at any time.

Lastly, what's a post without some more pictures of the kids? Here are some individual shots of the kids in their early morning Christmas outfits(before the peeing and puking forced the changes). I have to admit we've taken some creative license with these photos; they were taken just a few days ago and not on Christmas. Meva and I were so busy with entertaining guests and trying to put on a fun Christmas evening that we never got any pictures of the kids in these outfits, so we redid them when we had time!
Of all the outfits my favorite was Perrin's little tuxedo. I think it's the bowtie, but he looks completely ridiculous and cute at the same time. I wish we would have had a second one to put on Ryan too, but he looks fine in his little teddy bear vest. As usual, click on the photo to see a bigger shot!
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