Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Smilest Baby

I've got a brief moment here before the babies wake and my work day starts, so I thought I would share with you an e-mail Chuck sent me last week...


It's been too quite here in the house. Babies are all sleeping and not
making any sounds, laundry and housework is getting done, but now I hear a
stirring. First it's from one baby, then another, and then still another.
Grunts and moans, and little cries and yawps. The frequency is increasing
and moving together almost as one!!

I fear the worst, a concentrated attack. I do not think I am long for this
world, but I wanted to tell you that I love you should I not make it through this inevitable onslaught.

Know I am with you while you travel your geriatric path. Wish me well.

Finally, here's a little video of the babies hanging out and all in a really good mood. Click on,
Smilest Baby to see the video.


Anonymous said...

I love this! I keep hitting the "Watch Again" button. One of the babies says, "Uh Oh" (at the end); I can't tell which one it is. It won't be long until they'll be making Angels in the Snow with those arm movements. Perrin looks terrific BTW. Love ya', Mom (& Grandma) Weaver

Anonymous said...

GUS HEARS YOU AND THE BABIES and comes running. He looks at me (sitting at the computer) and is so confused. I haven't held him up yet to watch. I know he watches TV. Maybe he could see this.